'CCOT'(is a 'flower' in Korean) is the troupe of performers, painters and musicians.
'CCOT' has worked on alternative spaces and outdoor, exploring the depths of life through integrating the mediums of poetry, painting, installation art, and video art.




Director Lee Cheol-Sung

Lee Cheol-Sung (Director), Creator, performer

CheolSung Lee, the leader of CCOT(Visual Theater Troupe) and CCOTBBAT(Space for Experiential Art), is an artist who combines poetry, art and performance.

He studied the French literature(especially poetry) at faculty and graduation school in Seoul National University, and majored in ‘visual theater’ in 2000-2003 at The School of Visual Theater in Israel.

He has showcased experimental performances that use the mediums of poetry, painting, installation art, and video art. Over the last decade, he has been invited internationally as an official guest to numerous experimental art festivals, street theater festivals, and other theaters, and has won the Seoul Children’s Theater Prize’s Best Artwork Award, Best Acting Award, Most Popularity Award for two times, and UNIMA Congress’s Excellent Visual Effect Award.

On other fronts, as a poet and traveler he has trekked through the wilds of more than 40 different countries, and has had two collections of poems published, based his experiences.